Soccer School
Soccer School is FREE technical training for Westside Metros FC rostered players and is structured to supplement and enhance team training.
Curriculum Focus: The sessions will focus on the basics; dribbling, passing, juggling or controlling the ball from the air and shooting. Many of the sessions will be repeated throughout the summer yet there will be a variety of challenging and fun exercises.
What to Bring:
- Ball with your name on it
- Large water bottle with your name on it
- Energy
Purpose: The purpose of Soccer School is for each player to form a close relationship with the ball and improve day by day, touch by touch and increase their individual technique and ultimately skill which once its learned only has to be maintained, it can never be taken away. The player earned it now they own it!
Please check the Westside Metros FC website for updates any changes to the schedule or cancellations due to inclement weather will be posted.
Contact Us
Phone: (503) 626-2975
Fax: (503) 924-4249
8231 SW Cirrus Dr.
Building 16
Beaverton, OR 97008
Office Hours:
Monday - Friday - 8:30am - 3:30pm